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The Sounds of Silence
I had thought about the presentation to the team a lot. A whole lot. I had thought through why we really needed this new program. How we...
Intentionality Making Things Happen
I asked a dad one time how his family was doing. He replied after a short pause, "Well, nobody's crying. So I guess everything is fine."...
The Problem of Distance
Jumping to Conclusions I was reading recently of an interesting and all too common experience in the book of Joshua that indicates a poor...
Setting Direction - Part 5: Which Boundaries?
What Guard Rails Have You Set Up? A fifth question to aid us in our leadership role of Setting Direction is which boundaries will get us...
Setting Direction - Part 4: What Are Our Current Realities?
Along with where are we going, why are we going there, and what does it look like when it's done well, another what question needs to...
Setting Direction - Part 3: What Does It Look Like When Done Well?
What's the Win? Once the overall direction has been set and the reasons for going there thought-through and communicated, another...
Setting Direction Part 2: Clarifying the Why
Is it worth it? After asking the first question of Where Are We Going?, the second question soon follows… Why Are We Going There? This is...
Setting Direction Part 1: Do You Know Where You're Going?
A Common Phenomenon: Lost But Making Great Time You've probably heard the one about the airline pilot who tells his passengers that he...
The Leader and His Pursuits
5 C's to Consider for Success I was reading in the book of Judges about a military leader named Gideon. He and his men had routed an...
3 Extrinsic Motivations That Get People Going
Helping Others With The “Want To” Motivating is really about helping people with the want to. The desire that leads to action. Desire...
3 Intrinsic Motivations That Get People Going
Motivations From The Larger Picture External motivations such as rewards or consequences have an affect on us all and can never be...
4 Questions To Clarify Assumptions
Helping your people move from confusion to clarity Everyone you lead has a set of internal questions that they need answered. Whether...
Working Together Without All Doing the Same
4 Critical areas every leader needs to think through Aligning is all about together. It’s making adjustment according to a line. I like...
How to Help Leaders Figure out Where They are Going
5 Keys to Avoid Being Merely Busy You’ve all heard the one about the airline pilot who came over the intercom with a good news/bad news...
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