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We help overwhelmed high achievers take the mystery out of leadership, grow in their capacity and competence, and become the leaders others want to follow

"LDC team has helped me to empower my managers with the skills they need to effectively lead others in completing the tasks that make us a successful organization."

Cathy Roberts

Director of Global Learning Services, Cherwell Software

The Trusted Leader.

Experienced trainers you can trust.

We find many leaders sharing the frustration of, "I should know how to do this. Why isn't it working?" 


Wrapped up in this plea is an assumption that leadership is a clear and simple concept easily understood and practiced. Reality dictates otherwise.

Trying to figure leadership out yourself in the midst of the pressures of production and the demands of personnel is like trying to perform open heart surgery on a charging rhino. You may be good. You may even be better than everyone else. However, you will never be as good as you can be without outside help. 


To be a leader, you need vision, purpose, and energy. To be a great leader, you need to know how to lead with a developmental mindset...accomplishing your goals and developing the next generation of leaders in the process. This takes clarity, intentionality, and skill. It produces effective leaders with capacity and competence others want to follow.

Services We Provide

Symposium Series

We challenge leaders to rethink their thinking about leadership through symposiums, seminars, and off-site retreats. 


We then help these leaders to reshape their practice through on-site and virtual coaching for individuals and teams.


We also provide practical helps and resources through our blog for on-going learning and enrichment.


Discover how LDC team has helped leaders just like you transform their entire understanding of leadership.

Our Team

Terry Cook

Terry is a leader, teacher, coach and change agent. His passion for leading and coaching has ranged from helping university students to leaders on Capitol Hill to leaders in non-profit agencies around the globe with crucial, contemporary principles and practices of life management. He has recently published his new book, Lead, Develop, Care - Shaping a Different Kind of Leader.

Jess MacCallum

An experienced leadership coach, Jess joined LDCteam to expand his influence in developing trusted leaders. He exhibits not only a passion for coaching, but also a striking ability to teach, challenge, encourage, and guide leaders in their quest to make the greatest possible contribution in their leadership journey. Jess is a nationally published author, a frequent contributor to, and the president of a graphic arts company in Columbia, SC with over 120 team members.

Henry Clay

Henry delights in helping people grow and succeed in the most important areas of their lives. A recognized gifted teacher, he loves to make things simple, clear, practical and memorable. He has served for many years in cross-cultural contexts in Europe and Latin America and thrives on the cultural diversity that our world is moving toward.

About us

What Makes Us Different

Transformational leadership change begins with our thinking and beliefs. Effective leadership is more than adopting someone else’s practices and methods. 


It’s learning to think differently about leading and about those we lead. From renewed thinking one then has to move into effective practices. 


We turn inspiration into actual practices. We help make it clear, doable and reproducible.

What Our Clients Say

"I know of no approach that better positions a leader to realize breakthrough results than the LDC team's model. It develops leaders from the inside out and produces sustainable organizational results."

"What LDC team brings  is important because it forces leaders to think multi-dimensionally. Business is more than the bottom line—it is developing your people as a servant leader for the good of the organization, to include its staff and people who are served."

"What I have appreciated most is the simplicity of the models, their transferability to others, and the practical applications that help build a leadership culture where development of human resources has primacy."

Jerry Forte

CEO Colorado Springs Utilities (retired)

Craig Currey,

President and CEO 

Transitions Homeless Center

Retired US Army colonel

Dan Hoover

Vice President

Cyberwoven Business Solutions

Ready to Talk to Us?

You sense the mystery of leadership.


Or perhaps that your position of leadership may exceed your experience and knowledge.




 We want you to grow and be successful in the leadership responsibilities you have. We bring focused and thought-through help to leaders on the go. 


© 2020  LDC team All rights reserved

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